Editorial Illustration

editorial illustration for a feminist magazine naskurnik.sk

editorial illustration for a feminist magazine naskurnik.sk

editorial illustration for a feminist magazine naskurnik.sk

Experimental newspaper SAK | cooperation with Jakub Lobotka

Editorial illustration | music magazine Full Moon

Editorial illustration | music magazine Full Moon

Illustrations for xconfessions.com

Portrait illustrations of presidential candidates in Slovak elections | online news

Portrait illustrations of presidential candidates in Slovak elections | online news
Freelance a private projects

Illustrations for a bistro "Lokal Unas"

Illustrations for a bistro "Lokal Unas"

Illustrations for a bistro "Lokal Unas"

Illustrations for a bistro "Lokal Unas"

Illustrations for a bistro "Lokal Unas"

Illustrations for a bistro "Lokal Unas"

Illustrations for a bistro "Lokal Unas"

Illustrations for a bistro "Lokal Unas"

Illustration | lining concept

Illustration | lining concept

1st submission for a competition about Trnava region | visual for riso print

2nd submission for a competition about Trnava region | visual for riso print

Posters | The Karl Marx Walking Tour London
Osprey London | 2017 – 2020

Lining Illustration for Osprey London

Lining Illustration for Osprey London

Lining Illustration for Osprey London

Lining Illustration for Osprey London

Embroidery concepts for Osprey London

Feathers | Ink drawing | Osprey London

Feathers | digital postproduction | Osprey London